Probiotics OEM

Probiotics OEM

Health Natural OEM/OEM
Promote Healthy & Growth
Improve GI function
Raw material effective Probiotics
Our formulations are compound Probiotics
Bacillus coagulans Unique IS-2.
Not only popular ingredients that helps our healthy life,
but also consider natural probiotics which balance our body to be in good condition.
Our company have professional talents who can build up good formulation recipe.

Bacillus coagulans 芽孢乳酸菌
B.bifidum 比菲德氏雙叉菌
B.infantis 嬰兒雙叉桿菌
B.lactis 雷特氏菌
B.longum 比菲德氏龍根菌
Clostridium butyricum 酪酸菌
L.acidophilus 嗜酸乳桿菌
L.casei 乾酪乳桿菌
L.lactis 乳酸乳桿菌
L.plantarum 植物乳桿菌
L.reuteri 洛德乳桿菌
Enzyme Complex 綜合消化酵素
L.rhamnosus 鼠李糖乳酸桿菌
S.boulardii 布拉迪酵母菌
Bacillus mesentericus 糖化菌
S.thermophilus 嗜熱鏈球菌
Lactic acid bacteria 綜合乳酸菌
FOS 果寡糖
GOS 專利半乳寡糖
Inulin 專利菊糖
Xylo oligo saccharide 木寡糖
Isomalto Oligosaccharide 異麥芽寡糖

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